by Tom Shafer
April 4, 2018
So, near the one year anniversary of the Trump inauguration, a friend of mine commented that this may very well have been the longest year of his relatively long life – and he blamed it on the chaos surrounding this presidency. Now, to put his statement in a little bit of context, my friend is a Republican and has been since he first started voting – in the 1964 presidential election. I related to him that if that was how he felt, imagine my feelings as a D (for Democrat). So when I thought about it later, I tried to put it all in perspective. Trump’s presidency will last four years. That’s just 1460 days, or just 208 weeks. Or, just 1/20th of average life expectancy. He will be President when we wake up, during every moment of our waking day, and when we fall asleep at night. Ultimately, this little exercise did not help at all and in fact made me feel worse. Accordingly, I had to share this with my R friend – just my way of spreading misery with the ones I love. Of course, he easily topped my cute mathematical revelations: “You’ll have to double all of those numbers if he wins reelection.” My life expectancy was instantly halved. Touché, my friend, touché.
Heavy metal band Queensrÿche
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