Open Letter to President Trump about COVID-19

by Tom Shafer

June 14, 2020

Hey, Donald, just a quick FYI.  No one is rooting for the COVID-19 virus.  No one wants to see people getting sick and potentially dying.  Not the media, not the Democratic presidential candidates, not Democrats in general.  No one.

Additionally, no one is rooting against the Stock Market.  No one wants their 401Ks or annuities dropping in value.  Not the media, presidential candidates, Democrats, even Republicans.  No one.

What people are looking for is leadership.  Leadership for ALL Americans, not just your 39% base. 

They don’t want blamestorming, downplaying, threats against enemies, contrasts with the Obama administration, or crowing about successes.

You’ve been lucky.  Until now, you haven’t faced a true threat or crisis either domestically or internationally – and I’m not counting the ones that you’ve created on your own.  This is the real deal.  This is serious.  This is life or death.

Yes, influenza is en masse a greater killer year after year.  But so far, COVID-19 mortality rate, even by conservative estimates, is measuring three to five times that of influenza – and we have no proven treatment or antivirus.  Those are at least a year away. That’s why it is more dangerous.

And why you can’t play politics with it.  There is nothing political about any virus.

People are looking for leadership.  In a time of crisis, leaders step up, consult with experts, tamp down fears, pull people together, and attempt to deploy the right levers.

Believe it or not, Donald, people aren’t rooting against you now – though they have plenty of reasons to do so. 

Right now, people want you be President.

And they want you to get this right.

What'cha think?