Wiener Dogs and Baby Jesus

by Richard Seifried

In some of his Musings, Richard liked to entertain his readers with reports from police blotters, especially those coming from Eureka Springs, Arkansas (Eureka Springs Independent), and Columbia Falls, Montana (Hungry Horse News). The following is a summary of “incidents” that occurred in 2009, as reported so eloquently in the Eureka Springs Independent – and passed on by Richard in February of 2010.

Signal Hill Musings

February, 2010

Murders, hornswoggling, and torture of pigeons were down this past year, but counterfeiting was up in Eureka Springs. Here follows a list of the most despicable atrocities committed mostly by strangers and women who can’t keep their clothes on.

Friday, Jan. 9, 2:09 p.m. – Two wiener dogs were reported “terrorizing Oakridge Drive.”

Saturday, Jan. 17, 4:53 p.m. – No one was injured when an eighteen-year-old carriage horse dropped dead in its tracks of an apparent heart attack while pulling its load up Ellis Grade.

Thursday, Feb. 5 – As a record ice storm entered its fourth day, crime, like everything else, slowed to a crawl.

Friday, April 17, 11:05 a.m. – An unoccupied car which was casually parked in front of a S. Main St. restaurant was propelled by gravity all the way to a N. Main St. restaurant, without benefit of human guidance.

Sunday, June 28, 9:47 p.m. – An officer stood by on Center Street as a tipsy and “scantily dressed female [in a bikini] carrying a bottle of liquor” was offered a ride home by a friend.

Thursday, July 23, 2:58 p.m. – A detective looked really hard for an allegedly “naked lady tanning” in a US 62E motel swimming pool.

Saturday, Aug. 1, 2:40 a.m. – A caller on US 62 told police “she is being chased by the husband of her girlfriend who is in the vehicle with her” and “he is trying to ram her and get her to stop.”

Tuesday, Aug. 18, 8:27 a.m. – Following a neighbor’s complaint about a woman passed out on a sidewalk in front of Bridge St. residence where a party had been underway for five days, the police chief told all concerned that the party was definitely over.

Saturday, Dec. 19, 12:21 a.m. – A caller told police that the Baby Jesus alarm in Basin Spring Park was going off and three wise officers rushed to the manger in under three minutes to discover the revered icon secure in its swaddling.

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