Spring Has Sprung!

by Tom Shafer

March 12, 2021

I was taking the cats (Boots, Rainbow, Luna, and Nakita) on our daily walk through the woods and came across this:

The purple crocus is always among the earliest of spring flower arrivals and never fails to disappoint, its bright colors boldly juxtaposed against the dull winter landscape. Daffodil and tulip shoots are also protruding through decaying leaves and will soon provide sharp contrast to the drab grays and browns of the now wakening woods. Territorial wrens and sparrows are taking leases on our numerous birdhouses while woodpeckers, red-headed and pileated, bang away on the dead ash trees, grubbing for the insects they can hear stirring with each warming day. Without a doubt, spring is on its way!

Yusaf / Cat’s songs are frequently spiritual and introspective, and “Morning Has Spoken,” sporting its triality (or more!) of motifs and metaphors, is a perfect example.