President COPD

by Tom Shafer

April 12, 2020

Okay, is it just me, or do some of our inhalation devices look like Donald Trump?

This is Relvar, an inhaler for symptoms of COPD, and the likeness to Trump is startling.

This is Trelegy, also used for treatment of COPD, and commercials for it are currently airing on televisions all across our country. When Donald is tired, his hair typically takes on a hue like this one.

This is Anoro, another inhaler for COPD. I imagine this is how Donald would look as a redhead — something this redhead would certainly discourage.

This is another version of Relvar — and likely DT’s true hair color, if indeed he is still sporting his own hair. The color he has selected for himself, which changes from tinting to tinting (as seen in the top two photos), is interesting for the fact that it is not natural. You will not find those colors anywhere in nature at all — or on any other human head for that matter.

I suppose I shouldn’t be so hard on the President, but really, he’s brought it on himself due to his sophomoric verbal attacks on the looks of numerous political figures and celebrities, particularly women: model Heidi “no longer a 10” Klum; actress Rosie “fat ugly face” O’Donnell; New York Times columnist Gail “face of a pig” Collins; Miss Universe winner Alicia “Miss Piggy” Machado; media mogul Arianna “unattractive” Huffington; adult film star Stephanie “horseface” Clifford (better known as Stormy Daniels); and former Hewlett-Packard CEO and once presidential candidate Carly “Look at that face! Would anyone vote for that?” Fiorina.

So Donald, I don’t feel badly at all for any of my comments. In fact, I’m really being unfair to those innocent inhalation devices. At least they are helpful for people who are suffering from lung-related issues. I’m still not sure you are helping anyone but your family and rich friends. And frankly, my guess is that you rarely look into a mirror because I could take each of your juvenile tropes and point them right back at you!

Oh, and Donald, before you take a swipe at me, I’m rubber, you’re glue, whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you! Ba-dump-dump!!!

I don’t know why, but I have always thought that Trump would make a nice Frankenstein on the big screen. So, in honor of that thought, I bring you “Frankenska” by the Toasters.

What'cha think?