You Know What I Like?

by Tom Shafer

January 8, 2021

So, 2021 is already proving to be nothing more than 2020 2.0.  COVID-19 is still ravaging the country, and we are now averaging 4000 deaths a day, easily on our way to 5000.  Nearly 150,000 jobs were lost in December, an unexpected number, and January will likely be no better, suggesting that the economy is not strengthening in spite of the ongoing vaccine rollout.  Even that rollout has been unsteady and uneven, with senior citizens sleeping in their cars overnight waiting for inoculations in multiple states and miscommunication (or lacking communication) in many others.  Then, on January 6th, we experienced insurrection in our country for the first time since 1861, violence that actually made its way into the Capitol, our most revered and hallowed legislative house, the symbol of democratic ideals for the world.

But, in spite of this extraordinary week (I refuse to call it unprecedented), I remain hopeful.  The vaccine IS rolling out, perhaps not as quickly as we would like, but just the fact that it exists really is miraculous in almost every way.  Joe Biden WILL be installed as President in a couple of weeks, bringing stability and dignity back to the Oval Office – AND a style of leadership that is desperately needed with the challenges we are facing.  And, though we do have a few weeks of winter left (especially for us here in the northern states), like hope, spring springs eternal.  We are but five or six weeks from watching crocus, snowdrops, and winter jasmine push through the soil, blessing us with their showy petals, early harbingers of the coming spring and its warming sun. 

So I am hopeful.  And because of that, I thought now would be a good time for me to create a list of things I like.  I know many people like to make New Year’s resolutions, but I’ve always felt that those were nothing more than invitations to disappointment, opportunities for failure.  Rarely have I run into people who were successful with their goals.  More often than not, I have witnessed disillusioned friends and family, all expressing frustration and failure at their inability to fulfill desired aspirations.  Why would I want to set myself up for letdown at the beginning of a new year?

I won’t.  Instead, I will turn my steely focus on things I like.  Here we go . . .

First, I don’t think any of you will be surprised that traveling the country is something I like.  A quick perusal of my website reveals lots of pictures, from Maine to Florida to California to Washington – and all states in between.  I’ve written about encounters and incidents I’ve had in National Parks and Monuments, at numerous state parks and historical (and some hysterical) locations and sites.  I love visiting and experiencing new places, then sharing what I’ve learned and experienced with friends and family – and you!  I also enjoy traveling across the pond to holiday with my ancestors in Scotland and England, and I plan to fulfill ancestral callings from Ireland next year. 

I also like sitting in the backyard – anyone’s backyard – with friends and family.  There’s nothing better than supping and imbibing on a warm afternoon, or gathering around a glowing fire pit on a cool autumn evening with a favored beverage and a few nibbles, a sincere, engaging conversation filling the air.  In a similar way, I also savor dining out (alfresco!) with friends and family, sampling newfangled cuisines at newer venues, and devouring favorite dishes at long-favored restaurants. 

I really like golfing with my buddies, especially on short (or longer) outings.  I love the camaraderie that we share, the friendly competition, complete with a little wagering and trash talk.  I appreciate the fact that in spite of our differences, from our beloved sports teams to politics, we can come together to play a little golf and foster our relationships as we grow older. 

Lastly, I enjoy attending concerts, sporting events, and other “shows” that allow me to immerse myself in lifelong loves.  I relish visits to Great American Ballpark to watch my Reds or to raucous UD Arena to cheer on my Flyers.  I delight in catching a live Lyle Lovett show at the intimate Taft Theater in Cincinnati, or experiencing the rollicking Rolling Stones at a big outdoor venue.  And what about listening to David Sedaris explain the world, his family, or himself at Victoria Theater in Dayton, Ohio?

I like all of these things very much.

And just what do all of them have in common?  All of them require a level of freedom that the pandemic has unfortunately repressed.  I know that we can do some of these things right now, but not without apprehension – not without wondering or worrying whether we have COVID ourselves or whether we are spreading it to unsuspecting friends, family, or strangers.  And some of them, attending games and concerts, we can’t do at all. 

So, how do we get back to these things, unencumbered with that worry or wonder?  We know the answer: masking, social distancing, and ultimately, vaccinating.  We are fast approaching one full year of being a partially-shutdown world, and all of us are COVID weary.  But we MUST continue practicing those habits that we know can save lives. And then, when available, all of us need to be inoculated.  That is the only safe way we can bring this to an end.

Because I want this to end.  Because I really want to get back to these things I like.  Because my guess is that you like some of these same things as well.  So let’s do it, let’s vow to finish this, to reach herd immunity, to bring this virus to its knees.  And let’s do it together. 

Because a crackling fire is waiting, complete with a cold beer and warm banter – and you’re all invited!

You know what’s “No Fun”? Not being able to do the things I want to do! Let’s get ‘er done — oh, and I hope you enjoy this lovely cover of an old Stooges song.