Hope, Joy, and Peace

by Tom Shafer

December 20, 2020

Okay, so I don’t need to tell you how challenging 2020 has been.  In fact, after this pandemic is over – whatever that means – I propose that we place the phrase “in these unprecedented times” in a time capsule and bury it with the explicit instructions, “Break open only in event of a global emergency.”  Then, we should vow never to use it again.

So given that, as this insolent year nears its end, we do have hope on the horizon with the rollout of vaccines that will likely corral the pandemic. Yes, we still have a few months before all of us are offered individual vaccinations that will lead to herd immunity, vaccinations that will allow us to return to life as we once knew it (sounds so post-apocalyptic – but hasn’t it been?).  But, thinking back to April or May, who among us truly believed that a potential “cure” was hovering on the near horizon?  Science has created for us a genuine miracle, one that is appropriately unveiling itself in this holiday season.

We have hope that the Biden administration will provide a steadier hand with management of the pandemic and Operation Warp Speed, really a steadier hand in general, while at the same time returning dignity, true leadership, and – dare I say it – normalcy to the White House.  I so look forward to days where I don’t even think about what my President might be doing or undoing – or tweeting.

I believe there is hope for true criminal justice reform, as many cities and states are already providing a blueprint on how to get it done.  And, perhaps for the first time ever with this issue, congressional parties on both sides of the aisle are displaying a willingness to work together on common sense reforms.

I see hope for climate and the environment again as we step back into our dutiful role as the world’s leader in bringing Earth back from the brink, once again supplying our needed leadership in helping to heal and ameliorate the planet with which we’ve been entrusted.

And actually, I have faith and hope that as Trump’s grip on America wanes, as his bully pulpit is diminished daily, the discourse that has run so rampant and unchecked for four-plus years will diminish as well, that civility will gradually return as we start recognizing one another as Americans first, not Red or Blue ones.

So with all of that said, I wish you and yours a Merry Christmas, a Happy Hanukkah, and a Joyous Kwanzaa.  And, it is my fervent hope that all of you, all of us, experience the 2021 that we deserve, that we return Joy to the World, and Peace to our wonderful Earth.