Hipster Surgery and Guinea Pigs!

by Tom Shafer

April 1, 2020

So, a few of you have wondered why I haven’t weighed in our COVID-19 pandemic, and well, I have started a writing that will address what we might learn from this common, worldwide experience.  However, back on March 18th, I experienced the first of two total hip replacements (we started with the right), and since then I have been dealing with the typical aftermath of any major surgery: pain, lethargy, temperature swings, lack of appetite, nausea, and sleeplessness.  Each day gets a little better and I am moving about without need of a walker or cane, so thumbs up to that!  An RN comes to the house a couple of times a week to assess me and change the large dressing, and a physical therapist puts me through my paces on two other days.  All together, I am being told that I am well ahead of the curve and should be feeling relatively normal within a week or two.  Unfortunately, the second surgery (for my left hip) has been placed on hold pending some resolution to our pandemic crisis.  But fortunately (in a strange way), my right hip was so bad (“world class damage” and “the worst I’ve ever seen” according to my veteran orthopedic surgeon) that I will actually feel pretty good even with the ruined left hip. 

I guess I just wanted to let you know why I had gone silent, but with my energy slowly returning, you will be seeing much more in a few days.  And, while combing through my visual archives, I came across a couple of cute videos that I know will put a smile on your face.  I believe these were making the rounds back in 2018 so you may have seen them then, but in our quarantined world of 2020, we will gladly view anything that distracts us from news of the day – and puts a smile on our faces.  Oh, and for additional fun and distraction, I included a short video of my cat Mookie revealing her coronavirus bathing practice.  Enjoy!!  More to come!

Look how happy the last guinea pig is as she runs back to her pen!
Makes you want to go right out and get a couple!
This is my constant companion — and healing cat. I never sit alone.

What'cha think?