Images from Olympic National Park, Washington

Olympic National Park in northwest Washington state is perhaps our most diverse park. It encompasses many ecosystems, from coastal shoreline to rain forest to old-growth forest to glacier-covered mountain peaks. Here you can enjoy the sea stacks and tidal waters of Ruby Beach, witness the large spruce, hemlock, red cedar, and Douglas fir trees on the Spruce Nature trail in the Hoh rain forest, and hike the Hurricane Hill trail into the spectacular Olympic Mountains. Fishermen, campers, backpackers, skiers, photographers, astronomers, and average tourists will all find the park more than accommodating to their individual needs. Oh, and this is one of the few places where you can see black bears, elk, marmots, mountain goats, deer, AND whales (orcas, grays, and humpbacks)! Plan to spend at least three days here — and you’ll likely wish you had reserved more.