Me-Me-Me Meme

Okay, so I have to admit that I was a little late to the meme game. I also have to admit that I don’t understand many of them. Most of that stems from my lack of cultural and artistical (another new word!) awareness, as in to me, Tom Hanks is an up-and-comer and “who doesn’t love that new band Weezer?” I mean really, I thought Ariana Grande was just a new coffee drink at that fun startup Starbucks (which I have experienced just one time, in Scotland’s Edinburgh Airport — true story!).

But when you are trolling YouTube for information about Brook Benton’s “The Boll Weevil Song” or checking your FaceBook page to find out what a FB friend is having for dinner, you can’t help but be exposed to memes and other I-net funnies. Personally, I have been collecting the best of them for awhile, and occasionally I open them up to get a nice belly laugh. But some of these need to be exposed to the world at large, to get a little oxygen, so I thought I might post my greatest hits on the SH site.

So here they are, Shafer’s Meme (and Other Funnies) Hall of Fame. Oh, and check back frequently. I like to update. Enjoy!

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