This is not a contemporary cartoon. This is from Mad Magazine, September, 1969. BTW, 93% of Fox News viewers and “entertainers” fall into this Super Patriot category. They can’t get back to 1950 fast enough.
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Some pics (click to enlarge)
Marmot, Rocky Mountain NP
Newspaper Rock, Canyonlands NP
Zion NP
Freaky bee, Black Canyon NP
Antelope Island, Great Salt Lake
Flight 93 National Memorial
Hungry prairie dog, Devils Tower
Wild Goose Island, Glacier NP
Cape Disappointment Lighthouse
Arches NP
Friendly coyote, Teddy Roosevelt NP
My flipflops, Rocky Mountain NP
Sunset, Gettysburg NMP
Elvis Costello and the Imposters
Bee clinging to thistle, Cahokia
Moonrise, Devils Tower NM
Rattlesnake, Agate Fossil Beds
The Thinker, Shafer version
On vacation, work calls, WiFi needed, frustrated niece, “it’s my vacation!”, unauthorized photo