I just love Rocky Mountain NP — in spite of the fact that it tried to kill me back in 2017 (see “To Every Stupidity There Is a Surgery” under the For Your Consideration tab for much more detail). And what’s not to love! Lots of animals (elk, deer, bears, mountain goats, mountain sheep). Lots of big mountains with breathtaking views. Too many great hikes to name (okay, Black Lake — and above it; hike to Nymph, Dream, Emerald Lakes; Bear Lake to Fern Lake; Sky Pond; Mt. Ida; Deer Mountain; and all around the Lily Lake area). Great campsites (Moraine Park, Longs Peak). Great roads (particularly Trail Ridge, eight miles of which reside above 11,000 feet elevation; and Old Fall River, a one-way, mostly gravel road that travels west from Sheep Lakes to Alpine Visitor Center up on Trail Ridge). And, nearby you have the cute touristy town of Estes Park, complete with great little restaurants and microbreweries. What more can you ask for?

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