by Richard Seifried
Signal Hill Musings
July, 2014
The legend of the Red Haired Giant was mentioned in a past edition, and I indicated that when I was younger, the whole phenomena seemed like a made-up story, nothing more. However, when I studied anthropology under renowned Dr. Frank Bessac at the University of Montana, my research convinced me that red giants, Sasquatch, and “Little People” did and possibly still do exist. This metaphysical position I have taken is due to research of government records plus truly observing one of these giants for myself.
The beast crossed the road in front of my government truck when I was working at Crater Lake National Park back in the ‘80s. I was driving downhill but still had to look up to observe him. He came out of the forest, crossed the road, and hurried into the cliffs rising upward to my left. I didn’t see his face, but the head appeared to be surprisingly large and narrow. Its body, including the back of its head, was covered with a thick, matted coating of dark brown hair. Unfortunately, because of work, I couldn’t return to investigate — though I really wanted to.
Another park ranger, Abby, was sitting outside her cabin with her large mutt dog Barky, in an area dedicated to living quarters for park personnel. On an early evening that was quiet with no wind, she heard a violent crashing in the brush below her, along a creek bed. It continued up a little ridge, heading toward the road. What disturbed her was the complete indifference of the dog. Then, tail between its legs, Barky retreated to the front door of the cabin. Spooked and frightened, Abby joined her dog and went inside.
My sighting occurred at this very time, as I was driving by the entrance to her residential area.
A squatch caught on traffic cam in Washington State?
I headed back to that location the very next morning to look for tracks. Unfortunately, a large herd of elk had passed through the area before I got there, and because of recent rains, the ground was quite muddy. So, any tracks that might have been left were obliterated. A few steps into wooded cliff side where the creature had run revealed multiple openings, some that may well have led to caves which are numerous in the area. But, I got an odd feeling again that I was in danger, something I have felt many times, so I chickened out and returned to my truck.
A big snowstorm closed most of the park the next day, so I spent some time reading and doing research. One recently written document indicated that I was the fifth person to see or experience (or report seeing) a Sasquatch-like being in the park in just the last year. I even tracked down one of the reported witnesses (also park personnel) to record her observations. Further study of the phenomena suggested that Sasquatch sightings have been documented in every state but Rhode Island and Hawaii (where the legend of the Menehune, a mythological dwarf people, reigns supreme!).
Here in 2014, the story of Sasquatch is still going strong. From all of the cases I have personally researched or read about, I have determined that the giants seem to have unusual powers and senses. This is why they are seldom seen, and why the reports or evidential sightings are always sketchy at best, and photographs of poor quality. Hunters have claimed to have shot them (or at them), but carcasses are never produced. Evidence, like hair samples and footprint casts, has yet to provide undeniable proof of their reality. Cryptozoologists and “Bigfooters” are frequently rebuffed by government officials and university researchers, thus feeding conspiracy theories about Bigfoot existence.
I know Sasquatch exists here in the Ozark Mountains, where he known as the Blue Man.
And why wouldn’t they be here? Much of the Ozarks remains sparsely populated and wild, and the land, at times rugged and mountainous, provides plenty of shelter and water. And, we coexist with many, many game animals like elk and deer and rabbit and wild boar, not to mention the raccoon, armadillo, possum, and other smaller creatures. These animals help sustain the predator population, our black bears, mountain lions, bobcats, and foxes.
Maybe even wolves.
And Sasquatch.
That’s why we love our home on Signal Hill. We welcome Sasquatch here, and before you think I am completely batty, we are well protected by our little dogs, Lucy Lou and Biscuit, and of course our watchcat Freckles. Bigfoot won’t mess with any of them!
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