by Tom Shafer
August 10, 2020
So, I haven’t posted anything in a couple of weeks, and in my defense, I’ve been quite busy. I have much to say and will get to that soon enough. But, I must respond to a statement that I’ve heard several people make over the last few days.
And I get it. All of us have COVID fatigue and wish that it would magically disappear – which of course Dr. Trump predicted would happen back in May.
But Dr. Trump was wrong – like he usually is – and unfortunately, we are likely to be living a COVID existence for the foreseeable future. A real President would have told us as much back in April.
Now, though, with summer waning and facing the prospect of COVID fall and winter, many people are allowing their fatigue to dictate risky behaviors. How else can you explain 200,000+ bikers descending on Sturgis, South Dakota, most of them flaunting CDC recommendations for mask wearing and social distancing? Or large house parties, often sporting dozens of people, all ignoring common sense and CDC guidance?
From my perspective, a woman interviewed at Sturgis should be considered the spokesperson for all of these people – and all others who shun the mask or think that COVID is a hoax. When asked by the much-maligned “lamestream” media why she was in Sturgis in the first place, and why she was not, at least, wearing a mask or practicing social distancing, she replied (and really, this should be the anthem for all of these people), “You can’t give up your liberty — you’ve got to live life.”
Now, I love my liberty too, and actually love my life even more. And, believe it or not, I do both while wearing a mask and establishing proper social distance. These ideals and common sense pandemic norms are not mutually exclusive.
But what I really wish is that I could have teleported into the body of that CNN reporter right at that moment. Because what I would said after her “give me liberty and give me life” statement (she is no patriot like Patrick Henry) is this: “YOU CAN’T LIVE DEATH!”
Our founding fathers recognized the importance of our self-evident truths (endowed by our Creator), “Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.” So much so that they were placed prominently in the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence. And yes, LLPoH is the trendy soundbite from the Declaration, one of the major talking points of the document.
But all too often, people don’t remember the finish, the conclusion, of the DoI. In case you’ve forgotten, here it is:
“And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.”
We mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.
Our Founding Fathers would be wearing masks and practicing social distancing.
So should all of you.
We really are all in this together.
And no, you can’t live death.
American rocker The Verve Pipe